Lanfranco D’Elia, MD
Born in Viggiano (PZ), on October, 1st, 1977
Mailing address and contact information:
Department of Clinical & Experimental Medicine, Federico II University of Naples Medical School, via S. Pansini 5 – 80131 Naples, Italy
Tel . +39 081 7462309 Fax +39 081 5466152
e-mail: d.lanfranco@tiscali.it |
Lanfranco D’Elia is a post-graduate student at the School of Clinical and Experimental Pathophysiology of Federico II University of Naples, where he graduated in 2002 and completed his training as an Internist in 2006.
His scientific activity focuses on clinical and epidemiological aspects of cardiovascular disease, and particularly on salt-sensitivity of blood pressure, genetics aspects of hypertension and alterations in renal sodium handling in hypertension and related metabolic conditions.
Dr. D’Elia is author of several publications in international scientific journals.